As We Share, We Learn
Linda Kleineberg
| Mar 08, 2013
There are few things as rewarding as sharing knowledge and inspiration. It's a hallmark of how we do business at VIBCO. Time and time again, we're asked about why we invest so much time in touring people through our company...
"Doesn't it cost too much?"
"Isn't it a huge burden?"
"How can you afford to spend so much time with the tour groups?"
Anyone who has visited our plant knows that the spirit and genius of the VIBCO employees is at the heart of our successful Lean culture. Improvements happen because our team members live and breathe improvement focused on our mission of Same Day, Next Day for our customers. By touring people through our facility, we give VIBCO team members the opportunity to gain extraordinary recognition for the work that they do and to reinforce that, as a company, we are 100% committed to continuous improvement.
You just can't put a price on that. (Though a recent tour visitor said that their company would be "willing to write a very big check to get that kind of employee engagement".)
Here's what's been going on at the VIBCO Vibration Nation
American Dragon Filming Episode at VIBCO

Leadership Rhode Island Visits VIBCO